Donate to the Durango Creative District
General Donations
Donations help the DCD beautify the Durango community, create a collaborative cultural vision for our community through the DCD's Cultural Plan, diversify our local economy, advocate for sustainable funding to go towards our beloved arts and culture nonprofits, attract creative entrepreneurs to our community, celebrate and strengthen our unique identity, and improve our local quality of life.
In addition, we will also be seeking outside grant funding for our community in partnership with the City of Durango and the nonprofit community, maintaining and growing a vibrant physical Creative District, managing our website and Creative Directory, and working to fulfill goals outlined in our Cultural Plan and City of Durango's Comprehensive Plan.
Donate By Check
To make a donation by check, please mail to:
Durango Creative District
1309 E. 3rd Ave., Suite 116
Durango, CO 81301
And please specify "Durango Creative District" in the check memo line!

Become a Founder
Interested in becoming a Legacy, Visionary or Creative Kickstarter donor?
➡︎ Please contact director@durangocreativedistrict.org or at 970-300-3431 to pay by check or receive an invoice!
Creative Kickstarter Donor
(Offering $1000 or more)
Name displayed on homepage and donor page for 1 year
Recognition on DCD newsletter for 1 year
Visoniary Donor
(Offering $6000 or more, payable over 3 years)
Logo/name displayed listed website home page and donor page for 3 years
Recognition at DCD events and newsletter for 3 years
Plaque suitable for display in your home or business
Legacy Donor
(Offering $10,000 or more, payable over 3 years)
In recognition of your early support of our vision, you will receive:
Permanent name/logo on website homepage and donor page
Plaque suitable for your home or business
Recognition at DCD events and newsletter for 3 years
Recognition on select public benefit projects such as public art
Legacy Donor
Offering $10,000 or more
Melissa and Jim Youssef
Jane and Marc Katz
Louise, Spencer & Curtis
Susan Lander
Wendy and Tom Barney
Shanan and Douglas Orndorff
Offering $6,000 or more
Kimberley Milligan and Chris Meiering
Creative Kickstarters
Offering $1,000 or more
Alpine Bank, Ballantine Family Fund, Bootlegger Society, Brookie Architecture & Planning Inc., City of Durango, Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College, Community Foundation Serving SW Colorado, Dear Family Fund, Denver Post Community Foundation/RTR Host Community Grant, Durango Business Improvement District, Durango Chamber of Commerce, Durango Friends of the Arts, The Durango Herald, Durango Land and Homes, Duthie Savastano & Brungard, Fort Lewis College, Fox Law Group, Imagesmith Photography, Jeff Susor & Erin Nealon, Local First, the Powerhouse, Premier Vacation Rentals, Sara Olsen & Associates, Stallings Design Co.
Animas Eye Care, Becky and John Surmeier, Bill Carver, Brad Tafoya, Charles Leslie, Cream Bean Berry, Durango-Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad, Fort Lewis College Center for Innovation, Gail and Richard Grossman, Julie and David Thibodeau, Looking Glass Art Collective, Salomon Family Fund, Tafoya Barrett and Associates PC, Toh-Atin Gallery, Wheeler Consulting, Scott DW Smith